Underage drinking
47.3% of Clark County High School students do not drink alcohol, but of those that do, 18% had their first drink before the age of 13 (YRBS 2019). We need to continue to work in our community to delay the age of use for our youth. Delaying the use of alcohol in youth is proven to decrease the risk of adverse health effects and substance use disorder, reduce self-harming behaviors or thoughts of suicide, and protect their developing brains!
Our goal is to decrease the use of alcoholic substances in youth by 10% over the next five years.

Vaping Tobacco
Tobacco use, especially vaping, continues to increase among youth in our community. Clark County High School students report that 45.8% have tried vaping products. These products are unregulated by the FDA and can contain dangerous chemicals, metals, and other additives along with nicotine amounts equivalent to 20 cigarettes.
Compliance checks and enforcement, alternatives to school suspension, and changing the visual messaging in our neighborhoods are a few of the ways we are partnering with community stakeholders and retailers to combat this epidemic.
Youth council
The phrase, “Nothing about us without us” first used in the 1980’s regarding disability rights guides our prevention work today. Our Youth Council reflects the rich diversity of our community and builds connections and relationships across every sector.
Our youth collaborate with our adult coalition to plan and implement evidence-based prevention strategies. Through their work our youth are doing, learning, advocating, and creating a brighter future for our community!