About Us
We are a group of dedicated community members focused on working collaboratively to address and prevent our community’s misuse of substances. We come from all walks of life, experience levels, educational backgrounds and lifestyles. If you are passionate about seeing change in our community then there’s a place for you in our coalition.
We operate under the Drug-Free Communities Grant and we are a member of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). Through CADCA our coalition has access to the best evidenced-based strategies, research, and coaching to assist us in meeting our goals.

Join our monthly COALITION MEETING
Meeting Location:
Mckinley Hall
2624 Lexingtion Ave. 45505. Second Floor
Date: Second Friday of Each Month
Time: 10 A.M.
Talk They Hear You
Substance Use Prevention
Why you should talk with your teens
The consequences of substance use can affect everyone.
Either directly or indirectly, we all feel the effects of the aggressive behavior, property damage, injuries, violence, and deaths that can result from teens experimenting with substances.
This is not simply a problem for some families-It is a community concern.
- Research shows parents and caregivers have a significant influence on whether youth experiment with alcohol and other drugs.
- It is better to talk to youth before they are exposed to alcohol and other drugs.
- 9 out of 10 adults with a substance use disorder initiated their first use before age of 18.
Get in Touch
937-328-5300 ext. 121
2624 Lexington Avenue Springfield, Ohio 45505